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Northwest  Perennial  Alliance

Sharing a Passion for Gardening... for 40 years!
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Donate to NPA's Perennial Border at BBG

Donations go directly to help support NPA's Perennial Border at the Bellevue Botanical Garden, a FREE public garden with over 400,000 visitors each year.

NPA has sponsored and maintained this half-acre perennial border since the garden opened in 1992. It's NPA's gift to the greater Puget Sound community, and helps foster a passion for gardening in all who visit. It's also a perfect place to see and learn about plants that will thrive in your PNW garden!

NPA Border expenses are funded 100% through donations and plant sales. Border expenses include new plants, garden equipment and supplies, and garden maintenance projects.

Donation Information:

  • NPA is a tax-exempt, 501(c)3, non-profit educational organization, incorporated under the laws of the State of Washington

Thank you for donating to NPA's Border at BBG!

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Contact NPA:   425-647-6004

Mailing Address:   PO Box 1034  Bellevue, WA  98009-1034

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